Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Commentary on Presidential Debate by Linda Z in Texas

The television program they called a debate tonight was BORING! I almost threw my water bottle at Tom Brokaw on the TV. I wanted Obama to interrupt and make his point. At least that was spontaneous. At the end Barack and Michelle talked to people in the audience. John and Cindy left. Did the McCain campaign have Sarah Palin ready to shoot off at the mouth in the spin room? I thought Obama sucked too because neither McCain nor Obama know more than a 5th grader about the economy and mortgages and helping home owners. McCain talked how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac screwed home owners. Actually Freddie and Fannie buy loans from the lenders/mortgage companies/mortgage brokers.

And Obama didn't call him on that and Obama didn't call him on how Phil Gram and McCain specifically supported less oversight of the SEC, but then McCain wanted to fire the Chair of the SEC. McCain has not been able to demonstrate that he lifted a finger to stop these people from selling the horrible ARMs, where people found their mortgage rates doubling, these horrible loans where people put no money down, which meant they had no equity in the home and so they just walked and neighborhoods have suffered and tax revenues have suffered in places where a lot of home owners lost their homes, but then McCain doesn't like taxes.

Both candidates voted in favor of the bailout. Neither candidate did their job as Senator and asked who gets the money? Dennis Kucinich has been asking those questions and he voted NO to the bailout twice and he is angry that Congress supported Paulson in printing up this money and the amount of interest that goes to tax payers to cover these bets on mortgage packages. On foreign policy Obama said all the centrist things. His campaign is working hard to win over "red" states. Why do people trust McCain with "national security" when he sings songs like Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran? Even if McCain was singing to military people? He was doing so as the Republican candidate for Commander-in-Chief. If McCain has spent energy fighting torture as a policy then why make jokes to anyone about bombing a country? I thought McCain looked like a scary person when he couldn't stand or sit still while Obama was speaking.