Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Commentary by Doreen from Queens, NY – “Some Thoughts on Change”

Some of you have probably heard the word CHANGE a lot by a variety of candidates over the past week.......... The appeal of CHANGE is that it sounds dynamic without actually committing to anything in particular. So it is really pretty meaningless. The word alone can mean many different things to different voters.

The word alone was effective since people are so weary and can't wait for a new administration. Our nation’s citizenry wants so desperately to emerge from this 7 year nightmare. To complicate matters even more our media is very biased and true journalism is only seen outside the mainstream media.

So no wonder people fell in love with the WORD change and ran to it like flies to honey. It sounded nice........ right?

So why did the people of New Hampshire fall out of love with the word CHANGE?

The people in New Hampshire realized that we need specifics and a platform of actual change.....not just words and smiles. They stood back and realized this is SO important and that it can't be taken lightly-----we have endured too much and waited too long.

In addition New Hampshire ignored the idiotic polls, biased so called news casters, and the constant propaganda----they voted as they wanted to. They actually listened to the speeches and actually READ the positions of the candidates! The people of the tiny state of New Hampshire took our Democracy back. They stuck it to the pundits on TV. Good for them.

The domination of very few individuals in control of our airwaves and media has effected this election more than ever before. The same corporate media shoved Hillary down our throats as the "presumed front runner" for 2 yrs now. The likes of Chris Matthew's and others on the insipid cable TV are telling us who WE like...... and the same pollsters are trying to mold us.

We can begin with ABC which by the way is owned by Disney excluded candidates like Congressman, Dennis Kucinich who in fact embodies the ONLY change in his positions in the Democrats field. Do you think Disney has the right to tell the American people who we have to choose from as candidates for President?? The airwaves belong to the citizens not ABC or Mickey Mouse! They face a lawsuit filed by Congressman Kucinich regarding this matter.

I ask you would you let ABC or Disney choose your spouse, your home or where you go to school??? Why would you allow them to select your candidate??

Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are the only candidates of change----------serious real change. They actually have plans, positions and strategies to accomplish the change we say we want. However real change is scary to people........ it means something new and different..........and imagines BETTER. So if we indeed want change with action it is out there for us to grab.

I am a Dennis Kucinich volunteer and I will vote for him in the primary and continue to introduce people to candidate. He got 1% of the vote in NH --------- so why do I carry on?? His message is reaching people and he got it all right on everything from the war to the assaults on our civil liberties, impeachment and health I think we need to keep those ideas alive and make sure the so called front runners have to address them.

We can only hope that the citizens of this country will demand to hear the positions of the candidates on a wide range of issues and to CHALLENGE THEM. We are the hiring managers who are filling this position of President. We need to take it seriously and do our homework and look beyond the mainstream media for our information!!!